My Project Proposal

Hey everyone! Check out my project proposal below! 👇 



  1. Great work Jenna. I love how organized this is: you have clearly planned out your weeks, the layout of the site is beautiful and easy to navigate, and I love that you included gifs...I never figured out how to do that although Lord knows I tried!

    A wish: I would be curious to see how you respond to more diets aside from just low cal and low carb, because those diets aren't sustainable long-term. I know that you only had ten weeks and a diet takes a while to kick in, but if you continued this blog in the future, I would be interested to read about other types of diets as well. :)
    - Samita

    1. Of course, as a vegetarian my diet opinions are a bit biased. :)

  2. Hey Jenna! Im loving the blog! I think your theme and colour scheme is very well put together, the layout is fun and I love that I can easily peruse your blog posts! I also love your product, I think it is super fun and creative! One thing I may have liked on your blog is a bit of a blog description underneath your header! Great work!


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